Protect Your Home with Foundation Drainage Systems

You reduce fire damage by keeping your smoke detectors in working order, and you stop roof damage from happening by getting your roof replaced. But did you know that homeowners usually overlook one of the leading causes of structural damage to a home?
Expansive soil damage – one of the number one causes of structural damage to residential properties – can result in massive foundation issues. Here’s what you should know about proper foundation drainage systems to prevent this from happening at your home.
Creating Your Home’s Foundation
During a home’s construction phase, a flat surface for the foundation is produced using heavy machinery. When the foundation walls are built, there is a space left between the exterior edge of the foundation wall and the surrounding earth.
Excavated dirt is commonly used by contractors as backfill material within this space. Whenever it rains, more water collects in this area of your foundation than anywhere else. Pressure is exerted against the foundation walls as the water accumulates. Without a proper foundation drainage system, the buildup of water will exit any way possible including through foundation wall cracks, the basement, or foundation wall-floor joints.
Not only can thousands of dollars of damage occur, but the structural integrity of your home becomes compromised.
Natural Foundation Drainage Systems Minimize Structural Damage
After living in your home for several years, foundation soil grading might be necessary.
When your home’s foundation begins to settle, a dip may be created around the foundation’s edge where water pools. If your foundation soil slopes toward your home, you should change the slope pattern to away from your home. To do so, use a dense soil (preferably clay) instead of sand and mulch.
During a home’s construction phase, material choices such as crushed stone or gravel would provide a better solution for long-term drainage than excavated dirt.
Install Effective Downspouts and Gutters
Although one of the simplest foundation drainage systems, downspouts and gutters play an essential role in preventing foundation problems. When effectively maintained, they keep damaging water away from a home’s foundation, seeping into the basement and attracting insects.
Proper maintenance of downspouts and gutters includes checking attachment points, resealing seams and cleaning the channels. Install screens to prevent leaves from clogging the drainage system.
Excess water on the ground level can be collected with Surface and French drain systems, which require regular cleaning.
Sometimes, water running through downspouts is ejected directly onto the foundation. If that’s the case and your gutters are working properly, you may need to extend your downspouts away from your foundation.
Recessed downspout extensions can help accomplish this in a way that won’t detract from your home’s aesthetics.
Arrange for a Foundation Inspection Today to Avoid Future Problems
Your home is one of your biggest investments – don’t leave it susceptible to extensive soil damage! Contact Conterra Foundations today to arrange for an obligation-free foundation inspection.